Submit an event

SECTION A: General Guidelines

  • The NEJAF Secretariat is not duty bound to send death announcements when the criteria under Section B are not met.
  • The NEJAF Secretariat is not duty bound to actively look for death information.
  • Only specific requests for death announcements to go out will be considered. Forwarded emails or emails received as part of an emailing list or group are not eligible for consideration.
  • Requests and information should be submitted in writing to the Secretariat via email or the form on the NEJAF website.
  • The NEJAF Secretariat will make all possible endeavors to ensure that the death announcement is sent out as soon as possible once the criteria have been met. However, a period of three days should be allowed to the Secretariat to send the message.
  • The latest time for a request to be made, if all the required information is received, is within three days of the burial date. Requests made after this date will not be considered.
  • A second email either correcting information provided initially or providing more information will NOT be sent out unless a major error has been made on part of the Secretariat.
  • NEJAF will not take any responsibility for the information provided.

SECTION B: Criteria for Death Announcements

i) Deaths in North America

  • The Secretariat must receive a special request to send out the announcement
  • The full name of the deceased must be provided
  • The date of death must be provided
  • The place of death must be provided
  • The names of the deceased person’s close relatives in North America must be provided
  • The name of the person submitting the information must be provided and will be included in the email that is sent out.
  • An email address for condolence messages, the deceased person’s place of residence, place of origin and/or place of burial will also be included in the email message if they are submitted. However, these are not necessary

ii) Deaths outside of North America

  • For deaths that occur outside of North America, all the above criteria MUST be met and in addition, the deceased MUST have close relatives in North America, whose relationship information must be provided and will be included in the announcement.

Submit an event or announcement

Your Information

Date and Time


It appears next to the event time on the Single Event Page. You can enter notes such as the timezone name in this field.


Custom Days Repeating

Add certain days to event occurrences. If you have a single day event, start and end dates should be the same, If you have a multiple day event, the start and end dates must match the initial date. Read More

:label: x
  • First
    • Mon Mon.1-
    • Tue Tue.1-
    • Wed Wed.1-
    • Thu Thu.1-
    • Fri Fri.1-
    • Sat Sat.1-
    • Sun Sun.1-
  • Second
    • Mon Mon.2-
    • Tue Tue.2-
    • Wed Wed.2-
    • Thu Thu.2-
    • Fri Fri.2-
    • Sat Sat.2-
    • Sun Sun.2-
  • Third
    • Mon Mon.3-
    • Tue Tue.3-
    • Wed Wed.3-
    • Thu Thu.3-
    • Fri Fri.3-
    • Sat Sat.3-
    • Sun Sun.3-
  • Fourth
    • Mon Mon.4-
    • Tue Tue.4-
    • Wed Wed.4-
    • Thu Thu.4-
    • Fri Fri.4-
    • Sat Sat.4-
    • Sun Sun.4-
  • Last
    • Mon Mon.l-
    • Tue Tue.l-
    • Wed Wed.l-
    • Thu Thu.l-
    • Fri Fri.l-
    • Sat Sat.l-
    • Sun Sun.l-
Occurrences times

The event will finish after certain repeats. For example if you set it to 10, the event will finish after 10 repeats.Read More

Event Main Location


Choose one of saved locations or insert a new one.Read More

eg. City Hall

eg. City hall, Manhattan, New York


Latitude and Longitude are parameters that represent the coordinates in the geographic coordinate system. You can find your venue's Latitude and Longitude measurments via the link below. Get Latitude and Longitude

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Other Locations

You can select extra locations in addition to main location if you like.

Event Main Organizer


Choose one of the saved organizers or insert a new one.Read More

eg. John Smith

eg. +1 (234) 5678



eg. Website name or any text

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Other Organizers

You can select extra organizers in addition to main organizer if you like.
